Rising star - meet opportunity.

Whether you want to participate, donate, or mentor – see how you can become a part of this unique program that provides internship opportunities to first-generation college students.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research organization that provides internships to first-generation “rising” college juniors and sophomores who are interested in wealth and investment management.  We provide research assignments to teams of interns, each on a subject of interest to wealth and investment management firms, as well as the students. 

Inspiring First-Gen Success: Discover Sapere Aude

Audio Player

Since our inception Sapere’s interns have explored technology’s role, impact and disruptive influence within Investment and Wealth Management.  In the spirit of our continuous research within technology, we are excited to share a purely AI generated audio overview of Sapere Aude Consortium.

This is just one example of how we embrace leading-edge technology to amplify our mission.


We exist to introduce first generation college students (and children of public servants) to investment and wealth management. We believe these industries will benefit from our students’ unique experiences and worldviews.

To make first generation college students compelling candidates for paid, “rising senior” internships at investment and wealth managers, which are the gateway to these industries.